Thursday 22 December 2011

Happy Life Project..

"Don't make judgement before you see the marketing plan"

Bila nak cakap pasal CASH FLOW quadrant, I think many of us already familiar dgn CASH FLOW quadrant dalam buku Rich Dad, Poor Dad kan.. semua orang pon nak pegi jadik business owner or Investor.

Now the word, E dah x bes dah..belajar dapat degree, or bayar tuition fee mahal melangut, keluar pon paling best dapat RM2800, kalau MNC company. Ok, boleh lagi survive.. mana yang dok outside KL tuh x sure la kan brapa gajinya.. Masa dulu, I started work gaji baru RM1200. Pegi KL kononnya nak gaji mahal le, ye la dok kampung gaji kecik, baru dapat RM1800. Sedih.. masa tuh tumpang rumah makcik. Lepas decide nak dok with my sister, kami mampu sewa rumah RM300 je.. life is tough. Nak panjat corporate ladder x de English berasap babai le labu.. Luckily, from MNC to a Bank then MNC back, keadaan lebih selesa. 

Sekarang dah kawin, still rasa nak belanja lebih.. bayar rumah dah brapa.. nak rumah sure la rumah sendiri.. so I jumped from active quadrant to passive quadrant, kononnye yakni B, business owner part-time. Nak start busines kecik-kecik pon, modal nak kene ada. Habislah my 1 month savings sbb nak buat modal meniaga.. nak meniaga kene ada system, dan nak kene ada employee plak.. employee x cukup duit nak invest so sendiri la jadik kulikutip.. penat x bleh nak citer, lom masuk duit promosi bukak booth bagai.. After 2,3 months my husband asked me, mana duit untungnya? Rasa nak nangis gak sbb dok keluar duit x nampak haper pon.. ye la, nak invest kene modal besar gak, share ngan baper orang lagi.. I diam. I told him, i think better kita bukak restoren ke, best sket kot, I x yah kerja..sbb for me I letih kot nak fight dlm office yang penuh ngan politikus wanna be. Husband said, you ada ke at least 50k? tuh pon belum tentu cukup kot.. I diam..

Nak jadik Investor, den x de plak knowledge. Malas aa study economy bagai.. x paham.. dgr orang main share, x reti plak even though my dad penah teach me few times. Owh dia x main share, he knows but he said too risky. Righttt dad.. so here I am, dok kat office still makan gaji. Lepas satu project masuk and my boss charged EUR350 daily for my consultation fee, aku dah start bengang dah.. bukan bengang sbb my charge like that, tapi dia ckp "You should do more projects next year. That is your target". Abeh tuh management townhall plak ckp "Next year is going to be a tough year, so we don't know what's the impact", when ada sorang mamat nie tanya x dapat ke bonus ke.. EUR100 hadiah mcm last year. Sedih lagi. I work for what? My friend diberhentikan sbb katanya nxt year is going to be a tough year, nko nak makan ape Cik yah? 

Even though I dah banyak kali tried business, tapi kali nie I told myself and talk to God, I have to do something. If others can do, mesti boleh aa.. yakin!

Dalam pada helping orang dapat good health, I also dapat duit. Ok la mek..sape nak bagi sbb you modal air liur je kan and you consume, ada result nko share kat orang.. Orang pon nak live healthy kan?

Mesti korang ckp ape hel nye nama Happy Life Project. tak panggil business ke.. It is a project, sbb project nie ada dateline. kalau business nko still buat sampai nko pengsan, sbb if you x buat then you are not generating any income. 

Happy Life means, you share your happy life with others. Yesterday, kami berdua laki bini went to a friend's house, Miss A, (dah nama cam korean plak..) she told me "Tasha, help me..aku x nak gemok? aku dah try mcm2 tapi mcm mana aku nie boroi". She's 30ish dan single.. dia cerita baru-baru nie cholesterol level dia naik tinggi. Sedih..sangat sedih sbb she is young ok..

My niat is like this, "Miss A, trust me, I will help you to go through this journey, Insha Allah". Gagahnya walaupun dah malam kul 9pm, kami pegi rumah dia yang canggih-manggih ada alat senaman dan juga basikal lipatnya itu, dan kami letak timbang biggest loser depan dia. 

My husband told her "Miss A, kalau setakat aku nak jual nko barang, aku bleh je nah amek nie chow balik aku pegi tgk citer Korea kat rumah. Aku dah untung dah. Nko makan ke x, nko punya pasal.Tapi we are a responsible people. We want to make your life better". So si Miss A naik le timbang biggest loser itu. Seriously, timbang tuh biggest loser nye timbang, sbb dia kira berat, fat loss percentage and water. Hebat bukan? 

Si Miss A pulak ckp "Wah, gile..mana nko beli timbang nie? How much"
My husband " Baru je beli. RM200+. Ye la we want to make our life better too. So beli la..then sesiapa je yang beli products from us also kene dpt a happy life"

So Miss A, I will monitor you. She's a bit skeptical about penurunan beratnya, tapi my husband yang suka sangat sains telah terangkan, sambil I makan rambutan merah.. haha.. 

Lagi satu, project nie memang happy, happy je. Kitaorg happy sbb fat loss sudah banyak turun, kurang sket la boroi.. rasa lagi energetic, muka pon glowing sbb makan good supplement. Share good stories dengan orang and help them to make their life better. Best bukan?

Mesti korang cakap, World Class products nie sure le banyak modal. My answer is, sangat LOW. Way low dari bukan Mc Donalds, atau 7 Eleven, atau restoren. Way low dari nak bukak business kedai basikal, kedai tayar. way low dari 20k.. lower dari 10k..lower dari 5k.. lower .. korang email la kalau berminat..

Why I do not tell you the figure? I have to show you macam mana marketing plan nya.. budak 18 tahun pon boleh buat, housewife pon boleh buat..dah ada bukti pon..nak bukti.. meh la jumpa yam cha!

Summary of this project

Low Investment
Low risk
No headache, No employee
Retire with MBA (nak tau email)


100% happy Life, 100% financial freedom & 100% health

I already willing to show you the way, ape korang kene buat? Duduk and pikir. Kalau setakat nak jumpe 20 min and dengar how, x de masalahkan? X keluar duit pon, bukak telinga je dengar.. why nak judge before korang tahu ape and how nak buat? Sbb korang bukan keluar sesen pon. Okla keluar RM1 sbb beli air masa jumpe kitaorg. Tapi stakat Singgit dua tuh x de hal la.. 

Email :
Sms/call : 012-344 7670

Sape nak beli products, I will make sure I bawak the biggest loser nye timbang and in 90 days you will see the result nye lah!


  1. miss A...i love uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu :) Lets get not boroi together and happy together..welkem to Lola nak slim jugok project .NGEEE

  2. haha.. welkam to the project.. with Cik yan.. Jelian mikel


Anyeonghaseyo gangnam style..

Sekarang berada di Seoul tapi business berjalan seperti biasa.. keep the spirit on.. ecey.. more update after this.. global convention here ...