Monday, 23 April 2012

When the WHY is not so strong

Salam semua..

I guess it's been a while since my last post. Still alive yes.. :D busy sharing Happy Life Project with beautiful people out there and at the same time balancing my time with my current job, Insha Allah. 

I thank Allah for giving me strength to share this Happy Life Project with beautiful people out there, and I hope it will inspire those people yang mana inginkan perubahan dalam hidup, sama ada in health, time & as well as monetary terms. Insha Allah.

I am busy running here & there, taking great pictures in Penang. Jumpa Mentors yang sanggup fly over to KL just to train me. Alhamdulillah. The important of WHY in your life. mengapa di hari Monday kita bercakap tentang WHY? WHY is so important in life sbb, dengan WHY kita mencari sesuap nasi.. dengan WHY kita menjadi seorang yang cekal & dengan WHY juga kita boleh dpt apa yang kita inginkan.. 

Let me ask you, as my blog reader.. what is your WHY? WHY do you work? WHY your work is important for you? Selama ini pernah ke kita fikir, WHY kita kerja? Atau, kita kerja untuk mengisi masa lapang? Not so strong why leads to a very weak mission in life. 

The positive vibes overflowing while I was in Penang and still flowing. Let me leave your with this sentence..

Before you can EARN, you need to LEARN. 

May all of you have a blessed week, great post will come after this, Insha Allah. :) Let's make Our Life Better & let me share you the Happy Life Project with you. I am sure you won't regret.

I am just a PM away!
012 344 7670

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Anyeonghaseyo gangnam style..

Sekarang berada di Seoul tapi business berjalan seperti biasa.. keep the spirit on.. ecey.. more update after this.. global convention here ...